2018 choral composition competition

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After a very competitive year and with 137 fantastic submissions, we are thrilled to announce that the winners from this year's Composition Competition is:

Winner: "So Breaks the Sun" by Shavon Lloyd

A student at SUNY Potsdam's Crane School of Music, Shavon pulls inspiration from the styling of older music and poetry, which he fuses with his more modern style. His winning composition, "So Breaks the Sun" sends the words of English Renaissance dramatist and poet Ben Jonson on an intense and triumphant ride of sound and rhythm. 

Runner-up: "Peace" by Ethan McGrath

Ethan is a composer and conductor who is inspired by "simple melodies that have stood the test of time" and their ability to connect both audience and singer to the emotion of the text. His piece, "Peace," is beautiful and lyrical setting of Sara Teasdale's poem of the same name.  


  • "In Those Years, No One Slept" by Rich Campbell
  • "Ave Verum Corpus" by Joy DeCoursey-Porter
  • "Where the Mind is Without Fear" by Deanna Witkowski


Thank you again to all who submitted compositions! We are excited to bring these two pieces to the stage this June!

The 2018 Composition Competition is now closed. Thank you for your interest! We received 137 entries from composers all over the country. The winner of this year's contest will be posted here in April.

The 18th Street Singers are excited to announce our second Choral Composition Competition.  The winner will receive a grand prize of $1,500 as well as travel and lodging for our June 16 & 17, 2018 concert in Washington, DC at which the winning composition will be performed.

All composers are welcome and submissions will be judged anonymously; however we especially encourage entries from composers who identify as female, LGBTQIA+, a Person of Color, or a member of any other under-represented group.

Overview of Contest Rules:

  • Composers of any age and nationality who currently live in the United States are invited to submit an original, unperformed work composed in any style, for SATB a cappella mixed choir, not exceeding 6 minutes. 
  • Submissions will be judged anonymously; works submitted with identifying marks will not be considered.
  • Works must not have been published or previously performed in public 
  • Works submitted should have been composed within the last 7 years.
  • Works may be in any language. 

Interested in throwing your hat into the ring? Electronic submissions were due by March 15, 2018.  The winner will be announced on or around April 4, 2018!